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61000 $ FOR SALE - Land Non-agricultural plot with a cottage, overlooking the city and the sea Batumi / 232 M2 2 Room
17000 $ FOR SALE - Land Non-agricultural plot in the suburbs of Batumi for building a villa Batumi / 295 M2 1 Room
45000 $ FOR SALE - Land Non-agricultural plot 5 km from the center of Batumi for the construction of a villa/hotel Batumi / 400 M2 1 Room
400/m2 $ FOR SALE - Land Non-agricultural land plot in the city center for contruction Batumi / Lermontov str. 716 M2 1 Room
57 000 $ FOR SALE - Land Non agricultural land plot with ready project in Kaprovani Kobuleti / 230 M2 1 Room
160 000 $ FOR SALE - Land Non agricultural land plot on the 1st line in resort Kobuleti Kobuleti / Aghmashenebeli str. 495 M2 1 Room
125000 $ FOR SALE - Land Commercial land plot with project in Batumi Batumi / Noneshvili str. 1041 M2 1 Room
200/m2 $ FOR SALE - Land Investment project - non-agricultural land with ready project Kobuleti / 7052 M2 1 Room
72000 $ FOR SALE - Land Non-agricultural land in Tkhilnari with a multifunctional commercial (utility) premises Batumi / 802 M2 1 Room
45/m2 $ FOR SALE - Land Commercial land plot for sale with sea and city view in Ortabatumi Batumi / 1600 M2 1 Room
100/m2 $ FOR SALE - Land Non agricultural land with ready project in Batumi Batumi / Urekhi settlement 1994 M2 1 Room
$150/m2 $ FOR SALE - Land Non-agricultural land plot with sea view and ready project Batumi / Markiz Ajareli str. 2600 M2 1 Room
500/m2 $ FOR SALE - Commercial Space Commercial land with shopping mall project Batumi / Rurua str. 2000 M2 1 Room
150/m2 $ FOR SALE - Land Non-agricultural land plot for construction of residential or commercial object Batumi / Fridon Khalvashi ave . 1500 M2 1 Room
35m2 $ FOR SALE - Land Non agricultural land plot in Kobuleti Kobuleti / Aghmashenebeli str. 2503 M2 1 Room